Who we are:
We are a group of volunteer parents and guardians who work together with educators and administrators to fund and provide enrichment programs, scholarships and support for the Machias Elementary community. We believe that successful education is best achieved through collaboration between parents / guardians, teachers, and school administration in an non-judgemental, inclusive environment.
The Machias Elementary Parent Teacher Group provides support for our schools through:
Development, planning and organization of educational opportunities for our students and memorable family events.
Financial and volunteer support for our staff.
FUNDRAISING - a component necessary to adequately provide these services.​​​
Meeting Info:
The PTG meets at 6:30PM on Wednesdays in the library and on Zoom; dates are in our upcoming events.​ Our meetings are a great opportunity for you to meet other parents, share your ideas, and get involved in your child's Education. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the monthly PTG meetings. There are no membership dues or fees to be part of the Machias PTG.
For Zoom info, please contact Machias.PTG@gmail.com or MachiasPTGvolunteer@gmail.com
Volunteer info: we adhere to all Snohomish school district requirements for volunteers.
2024- 2025 PTG Officers:
President: Morgan Lauerman-Little
Vice President: Meghan Sutherlin
Secretary: Jennifer Marty
Treasurer: Raeann Rigsby
Volunteer Coordinator: Tiara Wallner
Event Coordinator: Taryn Anderson
Examples of events funded by the PTG:
The Day of Arts / Science
Family Read Aloud
Bobcat Bingo
Costume Ball
Gummy Bear Play Day
Donuts & Dear Ones
SHS Scholarships
6th Grade Promotion
The Music Program
The Library Program
Staff Support​ - teacher grants