Help us earn money for our PTG & school by patricipating in these ongoing fundraisers:
Annual fundraisers (email MachiasPTGvolunteer@gmail.com for how to get involved in the planning):
Baskets for Bobcats (happening NOW)
Walk A Thon (Spring 2025)
Box Tops for Education:
All Box tops are now done in the app! Sign in, scan your receipt within 2 weeks and earn!
Fred Meyer Community Rewards:
Fred Meyer will donate to the PTG quarterly. Link your card using the Community Rewards section. Use the organization name: Machias Elementary Parent Teacher Group. You can also use the organization number: JB832.
Red Robin Royalty:
Sign up for Red Robin Royalty Account and select our school. Red Robin will donate 1% of your check to the school!
More information can be found on their website.
Direct donation to our PayPal account:
Direct paycheck donation:
Some employers will allow you to direct a portion of your paycheck directly to the PTG and will match (or exceed) your donations. T-Mobile, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Microsoft all match donations and are paid out regularly. Check your employer's handbook for details. Email Machias.PTG@gmail.com if you need the non-profit info for your employer. Even $5 a paycheck helps!